I have had to overcome many challenges and face my fears head-on in order to create the life I have today. It is not always easy to do it and sometimes we feel like giving up but you need to know that once you move past the obstacle and you are able to tap into your true potential, things will change for you.
I was born in Germany into a family of highly business minded people. I was fortunate to be exposed to business and how to build and manage an organization from an early age.In my life I have been afforded the opportunity to explore various avenues in life, from business through to travel and relocating to build a life in various locations across the world.One of my very first career moves was as a fashion designer and I created my own fashion brand after studying Fashion Design at FADM in Hannover. I really loved this direction because I got to work with amazing influential people and use my creative side more. Doing that has stood me in good stead when it comes to communicating with the vibrant people I have encountered around the world. I also found myself to be very successful as a property developer, and success spanned world-wide.Discovering this prompted me to want to help others be successful in their own business ventures and career advances.This is when I travelled to Germany and became a Business and Life Coach at the HAMBURGER AKADEMIE. I shared my expertise with others and helped them on their journey.
I recently made what I consider to be the biggest transition in my life. I moved across continents once more – but this time I did it during a pandemic.I decided one day, after consulting with my vision board, that I wanted to move to South France and build a new life. For various reasons, I realized that France was not my final destination.I ended up taking a complete change in direction and moved to Dubai. My time there was very interesting and I discovered a lot about business and people. Many of the things I will be taking with me as I journey across the ocean to Malta.While in Dubai, I decided my fashion designer background was itching to come out – and so I created a new fashion brand called MARLIES GRACE. I am so grateful to be able to showcase this side of my creativity and share it with the world.The first collection was launched in February 2022. In the mean time I made my next move to Malta with many new goals set for my future-self. I cannot wait to see what the new year holds for us all. Best Wishes.
I have always had a passion to share my story and to enlighten others and this led me to write two books. The first, “How I Faced My Fears” I share my journey and the challenges I had to overcome in order to have the life I desired for myself and my daughter. The second one, “In the Storm of Life”, I share with you the “how” so that you too can step into your true power and start living a more purpose driven life and be successful in all areas of your life.
As I share my story you will come to realise that I have overcome many personal fears and obstacles to transform my life into the one I lead today. I feel successful, accomplished and have a dream lifestyle. I have always enjoyed telling my story and at the same time motivating others to do the same with their own lives.
Coaching is my first love, but speaking to others and sharing my journey and my message is a close second.
Earlier in 2021, I made a big decision to move to Dubai. The plan was that this would be my new home. Of course, life always has other ideas and I was drawn to start a new business, a fashion line. This course of action has taken me across the water once more to Malta.
However, during my short stay in Dubai, I found that I was made very aware of the inequality plaguing women of the world. When I sat with my thoughts, I realized that I wanted to use my voice and my experience to bring more awareness to the globe.
That is why I am proud to be associated with awid – association for women’s rights in development. This association really speaks to what I believe in and the change I want to be a part of. Believe that as a people we should raise each other up, support each other and grow our empires as a global movement. Equality should be a buzz word throughout the world. We all had a dream when we were younger to have a certain kind of life, but as we got older and responsibilities changed those dreams become suppressed. When we face our fears and understand the meaning of it, we set ourselves free and can find out what really drives us to live a more fulfilling life.
We will shift and have the power inside ourselves to become a magnet for new possibilities and create a life which makes us really happy. We step into our true power, into our truth. We become whole. Transformation always starts inside ourselves and then it manifests and becomes visible in our reality.